We all know stretch marks (Striae gravidarum) are initially purple, pink, brown, or red colored subcutaneous streaky scars which, in time, will change colors to a more silvery or dark tone. This mainly depends on the skin type. They are commonly thought to be the result of overstretching the skin but this remains disputed by experts. It is also thought hormonal changes are of major influence on stretch marks. Some think the birth control pill might make women more susceptible to stretch marks because it contains hormones. (Some women developed striae without gaining weight).
It also seems that, during pregnancy, the hormone relaxin contributes to reducing the amount of collagen fibers in the skin, making these fibers more susceptible to breaking.
What is clear is that once stretch marks are there it is possible to make them less
noticeable, but, as with all scars, stretch marks will almost never go completely away. They are permanent scars caused by tears in the middle layer of the skin (dermis). Of course there are ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These vary from surgery to techniques such as laser treatment and microdermabrasion. These techniques are costly and commonly not recommended for adolescents because they are still growing and their stretch marks will probably diminish over time anyway.
Studies have shown the chance on developing stretch marks later on in life, increases if you had them during your adolescence or during a previous pregnancy. You can not always prevent stretch marks from developing but you can do all that lies in your power to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
One of the things you can influence is your food intake. Of course this is a no-brainer but also regarding stretch marks it is important to keep a well balanced diet. Cut back on fats and sugars and make sure to eat enough foods that contain zinc such as fish and nuts. Foods high in vitamins A, C, D, such as carrots, citrus fruits and milk. And protein-rich foods such as eggs. Making sure not to overeat will add to a gradual weight gain which will give the skin more time to adjust and stretch slowly. The average recommended amount of weight gain lies between 25 - 34 pounds, in a graded manner. Again not overeating is no hard rule backed up by scientific evidence nor a guarantee on preventing stretch marks during pregnancy but just a thing to consider.
Massage can not only offer relief for itchy skin during pregnancy but by massaging regularly you might aid the suppleness of the skin and thus help preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.
Prescription creams containing Tretinoin, also called Retin-A, may
help reduce the appearance of fresh stretch marks but these creams should
not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Many normal moisturizers and lotions can be used during pregnancy and some think they will help to prevent stretch marks but most creams in the market only provide temporary moisture that lasts for a few hours, and thus not enough to prevent stretch marks.
The best stretch marks products to use to help preventing stretch marks during pregnancy are those containing biological activators of skin renewal. These activators get rid of damaged proteins within the skin and promote the production of the true moisture holding molecules within your skin (glycosaminoglycans).
When experts are asked a few things can be noted. According to dermatologists for example; sorbelene and glycerine are some of the most beneficial substances for human skin. When it comes to additional components vitamin E and collagen are best. Herbalists may recommend Vitamin E oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, Aloe vera, apricot, squalene, almond or grape seed oil, or a combination.
The one product that has all of these types of ingredients combined is Revitol stretch marks prevention cream. This cream is developed especially for pregnant women containing natural ingredients only. Among this cream's ingredients are the aforementioned glycerine and squalene oil. Other ingredients are vitamin E and grape seed extract which are known to fortify the collagen and elastin in the lower skin layer (epidermis).
Remember there are no guarantees. You can eat as healthy as you can, exercise, use a natural and well reviewed product and still develop striae. But who knows how much stretch marks you would have got when you hadn't done anything about them?
The most important thing is to enjoy your pregnancy rather than worrying about stretch marks all the time. Knowing you did all you can during your pregnancy will probably help you relax in this joyful period.
Revitol has a 90 days money back guarantee. (keep in mind that opened items are non refundable). Read more about this product on their website.
InviCible Scars Review
12 years ago
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