Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Remedies for Fading Stretch Marks

Many home remedies for fading stretch marks exist. Some of them do work while others do not. This page is not only about the best product you can buy but also about things you can do to prevent and fade this horrible striae.

My own personal experience has shown me that there are things you can do to fade stretch marks. It has taken me a while though to get to this knowledge. Many years, products and methods later this is the conclusion of what I have learned about fading stretch marks.

Stretch marks are actually scars or more precise, damaged skin collagen. Removing them completely is impossible because once the skin is damaged it can hardly be repaired fully. But there are certain procedures that can significantly fade stretch marks to make them less noticeable.

My dermatologist has told me that stretch marks are scars that have been formed in the deeper layers of the skin. Collagen fibers have been frayed under the influence of repeated stress, stretch and strain. After a while this tension results in the breaking of the collagen fibers which causes an abnormal, crinkled surface texture. These less elastic and crinkled marks are called stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Drink Enough Water
home remedy no. 1

Some say pregnant women have to drink lots of water in order to prevent stretch marks from developing. This is a bit exaggerated. You have to drink a little more water than when you would not be pregnant. If you'll drink a few extra glasses of water a day you will provide your body with enough water to support it with preventing or fading stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Massage the skin
home remedy no. 2

Whether you are trying to prevent stretch marks or want to fade them, massaging is always a good thing to do. Massaging stretch marks alone will not fade them but it is part of the treatment that is most likely to be effective in diminishing the appearance of your stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Eat Healthy
home remedy no. 3

A well balanced diet will aid the skin in its regenerative function. When stretch marks fade it has to come from the body itself. The intake of healthy nutrients is important. There are no chemical products who magically fade or remove stretch marks. Thats why it is important to use a product that contains natural ingredients.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Exercise
home remedy no. 4

Exercising promotes the blood flow. The stimulation of the skin tissue by exercising makes the skin more elastic. This improved elasticity is another important way to prevent or fade stretch marks.

Final Tip: Use a quality stretch marks product.

Use The Best Stretch Marks Prevention or Fading Cream There Is.: Revitol Stretch Marks Cream

Revitol is the product that has helped me! I have tried many products that didn't work for me. Until I found out about the Revitol cream. Read more about it in this post.


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