Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does Revitol Stretch Marks Cream Really Work?

When determining which stretch marks product is the best one must look at the ingredients of the product. Natural ingredients are best because they support the skin's own regenerative abilities.

Revitol is not only one of the best reviewed products but it also contains some very effective ingredients. Scientific research has shown that some of these ingredients really can make a difference when it comes to improving the appearance of Striae.

Revitol is the product that has helped me! I have tried many products that didn't work for me. Until I found out about the Revitol cream. When determining which stretch marks product is the best one must look at the ingredients of the product. Natural ingredients are best because they support the skin's own regenerative abilities. Revitol is not only one of the best reviewed products but it also contains some very effective ingredients. Scientific research has shown that some of these ingredients really can make a difference when it comes to improving the appearance of Striae.

This cream is used by many for both fading and preventing stretch marks. This product helps increasing production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis (layer of the skin) This way it increases the elasticity and strength of the skin.

Because of Revitol's active ingredients it decreases the appearance of existing stretch marks and effectively prevents the development of stretch marks.

This cream is used by many for both fading and preventing stretch marks. This product helps increasing production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis (layer of the skin) This way it increases the elasticity and strength of the skin. Because of Revitol's active ingredients it decreases the appearance of existing stretch marks and effectively prevents the development of stretch marks. Visit the Revitol Website for more info

Revitol Ingredients

Revitol Stretch Mark Cream is composed of the following ingredients:

Squalene Oil - Squalene oil can be derived from both organic, vegetable sources and from shark cartilage. The cream only makes use of pressed squalene oil from non-animal sources.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is included in the formulation to protect the cell membranes and to protect the skin from free radical damage.

Vitamin A Palmitate - The role of vitamin A palmitate is to improve the growth of skin cells and to improve any of the imperfections that may have been there already.

Vitamin D3 - Vitamin D3 is the main booster for the cellular activity of the skin cells themselves. By increasing the cellular activity, cell reproduction and protein production is improved.

DL-Penthenol - After new protein structures are created, there must be a way to protect the new structures. This is where DL Penthenol comes in.

Revitol Reviews

Not only have I used Revitol Stretch Marks Prevention myself with satisfaction but many reviews show other women are positive about this product too. One research report showed that about the majority were either positive or partially positive about this product. A selection of the many positive reviews:

"I've only been using this for three weeks and I am already noticing a difference! My stretch marks are fading."

"Revitol worked good for me. The redness of the marks on my thigh has not reduced that much but the scarring went down a little."

Home Remedies for Fading Stretch Marks

Many home remedies for fading stretch marks exist. Some of them do work while others do not. This page is not only about the best product you can buy but also about things you can do to prevent and fade this horrible striae.

My own personal experience has shown me that there are things you can do to fade stretch marks. It has taken me a while though to get to this knowledge. Many years, products and methods later this is the conclusion of what I have learned about fading stretch marks.

Stretch marks are actually scars or more precise, damaged skin collagen. Removing them completely is impossible because once the skin is damaged it can hardly be repaired fully. But there are certain procedures that can significantly fade stretch marks to make them less noticeable.

My dermatologist has told me that stretch marks are scars that have been formed in the deeper layers of the skin. Collagen fibers have been frayed under the influence of repeated stress, stretch and strain. After a while this tension results in the breaking of the collagen fibers which causes an abnormal, crinkled surface texture. These less elastic and crinkled marks are called stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Drink Enough Water
home remedy no. 1

Some say pregnant women have to drink lots of water in order to prevent stretch marks from developing. This is a bit exaggerated. You have to drink a little more water than when you would not be pregnant. If you'll drink a few extra glasses of water a day you will provide your body with enough water to support it with preventing or fading stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Massage the skin
home remedy no. 2

Whether you are trying to prevent stretch marks or want to fade them, massaging is always a good thing to do. Massaging stretch marks alone will not fade them but it is part of the treatment that is most likely to be effective in diminishing the appearance of your stretch marks.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Eat Healthy
home remedy no. 3

A well balanced diet will aid the skin in its regenerative function. When stretch marks fade it has to come from the body itself. The intake of healthy nutrients is important. There are no chemical products who magically fade or remove stretch marks. Thats why it is important to use a product that contains natural ingredients.

Fading Stretch Marks Tip: Exercise
home remedy no. 4

Exercising promotes the blood flow. The stimulation of the skin tissue by exercising makes the skin more elastic. This improved elasticity is another important way to prevent or fade stretch marks.

Final Tip: Use a quality stretch marks product.

Use The Best Stretch Marks Prevention or Fading Cream There Is.: Revitol Stretch Marks Cream

Revitol is the product that has helped me! I have tried many products that didn't work for me. Until I found out about the Revitol cream. Read more about it in this post.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Preventing Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

We all know stretch marks (Striae gravidarum) are initially purple, pink, brown, or red colored subcutaneous streaky scars which, in time, will change colors to a more silvery or dark tone. This mainly depends on the skin type. They are commonly thought to be the result of overstretching the skin but this remains disputed by experts. It is also thought hormonal changes are of major influence on stretch marks. Some think the birth control pill might make women more susceptible to stretch marks because it contains hormones. (Some women developed striae without gaining weight).

It also seems that, during pregnancy, the hormone relaxin contributes to reducing the amount of collagen fibers in the skin, making these fibers more susceptible to breaking.

What is clear is that once stretch marks are there it is possible to make them less
noticeable, but, as with all scars, stretch marks will almost never go completely away. They are permanent scars caused by tears in the middle layer of the skin (dermis). Of course there are ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These vary from surgery to techniques such as laser treatment and microdermabrasion. These techniques are costly and commonly not recommended for adolescents because they are still growing and their stretch marks will probably diminish over time anyway.

Studies have shown the chance on developing stretch marks later on in life, increases if you had them during your adolescence or during a previous pregnancy. You can not always prevent stretch marks from developing but you can do all that lies in your power to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

One of the things you can influence is your food intake. Of course this is a no-brainer but also regarding stretch marks it is important to keep a well balanced diet. Cut back on fats and sugars and make sure to eat enough foods that contain zinc such as fish and nuts. Foods high in vitamins A, C, D, such as carrots, citrus fruits and milk. And protein-rich foods such as eggs. Making sure not to overeat will add to a gradual weight gain which will give the skin more time to adjust and stretch slowly. The average recommended amount of weight gain lies between 25 - 34 pounds, in a graded manner. Again not overeating is no hard rule backed up by scientific evidence nor a guarantee on preventing stretch marks during pregnancy but just a thing to consider.

Massage can not only offer relief for itchy skin during pregnancy but by massaging regularly you might aid the suppleness of the skin and thus help preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

Prescription creams containing Tretinoin, also called Retin-A, may
help reduce the appearance of fresh stretch marks but these creams should
not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Many normal moisturizers and lotions can be used during pregnancy and some think they will help to prevent stretch marks but most creams in the market only provide temporary moisture that lasts for a few hours, and thus not enough to prevent stretch marks.

The best stretch marks products to use to help preventing stretch marks during pregnancy are those containing biological activators of skin renewal. These activators get rid of damaged proteins within the skin and promote the production of the true moisture holding molecules within your skin (glycosaminoglycans).

When experts are asked a few things can be noted. According to dermatologists for example; sorbelene and glycerine are some of the most beneficial substances for human skin. When it comes to additional components vitamin E and collagen are best. Herbalists may recommend Vitamin E oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, Aloe vera, apricot, squalene, almond or grape seed oil, or a combination.

The one product that has all of these types of ingredients combined is Revitol stretch marks prevention cream. This cream is developed especially for pregnant women containing natural ingredients only. Among this cream's ingredients are the aforementioned glycerine and squalene oil. Other ingredients are vitamin E and grape seed extract which are known to fortify the collagen and elastin in the lower skin layer (epidermis).

Remember there are no guarantees. You can eat as healthy as you can, exercise, use a natural and well reviewed product and still develop striae. But who knows how much stretch marks you would have got when you hadn't done anything about them?

The most important thing is to enjoy your pregnancy rather than worrying about stretch marks all the time. Knowing you did all you can during your pregnancy will probably help you relax in this joyful period.

Revitol has a 90 days money back guarantee. (keep in mind that opened items are non refundable). Read more about this product on their website.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Preventing Stretch Marks While Pregnant

The problem for us women who are pregnant is that there are so many stretch marks creams available. And their manufacturers all claim to help you prevent or get rid of those ugly stripes. When it comes to choosing a stretch marks prevention product the amount of choice will automatically be narrowed down because a large deal of stretch marks creams in general is not suitable for use during pregnancy. This because of ingredients that can be harmful to the unborn child.

Personally I do think it is always best to look for products that contain natural ingredients. In fact I do think that mother nature provides us with all kinds of solutions to both cosmetic and medical problems. We just don't know (anymore) which plants or natural sources to allocate. The fact that the only stretch mark cream clinically proven to have some effect is a natural product supports my theorizing. This on the herb Centella Asiatica based product (Trofolastin) has shown to prevent striae from developing in women who have had stretch marks earlier in their life.

Revitol is another cream that might make a difference when preventing stretch marks while pregnant. In contrary to Trofolastin, Revitol is available in the United States and is also based on natural ingredients. So it can be used safely while pregnant.

Active ingredients are the humectant glycerine which helps drawing water into deeper skin layers, squalene oil which is a good emollient and vitamin E and grape seed extract which are known to fortify the collagen and elastin in the lower skin layers. Apart from this it also contains vitamin D3 which plays a major part in skin renewal processes.

Of course not all products work for everybody. Then there is also the factor genetics. But as certain studies on herbal remedies such as Asiatica centellica show, there are ways in preventing stretch marks while pregnant. In my opinion the choice for a natural product should always be preferred. Certainly when this product consists of a balanced mix of components. The overwhelming amount of positive reviews made me decide to start using Revitol. (I will keep posting about my experiences). Visit their website for more info.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunless Tanning and Stretch Marks

Does sunless tanning help fading stretch marks? Yes it does to a certain extent for me. But that doesn't have to mean it will work for someone else too.

I think it depends on the skin type and on the stretch marks themselves. My experiences with using a sunless tanning lotion is that it works better on younger striae. Generally the older the stretch marks are the more white they get. This is due to a loss of pigmentation if I am correct. In my case these tended to get more noticeable or their appearance stayed the same while the more pinkish colored marks faded after applying sunless tanning lotion. This effect is stronger when I tanned the natural way. I also noticed that exfoliating really is important. The results are less satisfying if you don't.

So in conclusion it might help a little but at the end of the day you'll have to try it yourself in order to find out in what matter. Maybe you already use a product you are satisfied with but I know I have searched for a good product for a while so here some info on my favorite non orange self tanning lotion.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Does Mederma Work for Stretch Marks?

This is my review of a few products I have tried. First of all something about Mederma for scars (and stretch marks). Many people are positive about Mederma. They think it is the best remedy for scars available but research done on the active ingredient of Mederma, which is onion extract, showed no clinical improvements. In fact a control group in one study who were treated with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) did show better results. Scientists thought this was due to the hydrating properties of petroleum jelly. One study showed onion extract (Allium Cepa) to have anti-inflammatory properties and to improve collagen organization in a rabbit ear model. However this did not lead to improvement of scar appearance in humans.

Well, although it might not work for scars maybe it does for my stretch marks I thought. (An acquaintance convinced me to try it). I am aware of the fact that stretch marks are a type of internal scars but they can't be compared in terms of treatment. So I started using Mederma on my stretch marks. Mine are located mainly on my breasts and thighs. For a period of at least 8 weeks as recommended by the manufacturer I applied the Mederma gel on my stretch marks three times a day (sometimes even 4).

Unlucky me, but it didn't work. A waste of time and money (Mederma isn't cheap) but also a bit wiser. I am convinced some products work for some people so I think it justified me trying. I also think many products work for nobody. Anyhow, time to move on. I continued my search for the holy fading stretch marks grail. There must be a product that can at least fade my striae to a certain extent. I just refused to give up.

My search led me to the insight that a few criteria are important when determining which product to buy. This time no more trial and error for me. (I also used cocoa butter and a cream I don't even know the name anymore previously) I am going to take this structurally. Crucial are the active ingredients present in the product. Also the amount of the ingredient. Many times a manufacturer only adds a tiny bit of the ingredient in the product only to be able to mention it on the label.

After I found out Mederma did not work for my stretch marks I learned something new. An effective dermal product has to have a good delivery system such as liposomes, micro-sponges, or some other type of carrier. Otherwise it will not work.

My research also brought me to composing a short list of effective ingredients. Important ingredients are the so called occlusives, humectants, and emollients.

-Examples are glycerine, dimethicone and squalene oil which is a good emollient. Vitamin E and grape seed extract which are known to fortify the collagen and elastin in the lower skin layer (epidermis). Fatty Acid-rich ingredients to increase skin elasticity. Shea Butter, Borage Oil , Wheatgerm Oil, (rich in Vitamin E) Rosehip Seed Oil or Sweet Almond Oil are examples of the latter.

During my search for a Mederma alternative I stumbled on a natural product that met the criteria I found were important. It has squalene oil in it which promotes healthy skin while the vitamin E and grapefruit seed extract act to strengthen the collagen and elastin found deep in the lower epidermis.

It it supposed to work by stimulating the production of the skin's natural collagen.
Another natural ingredient is vitamin D3 which is produced in very small amounts by the human body when skin is exposed to sunlight. For it to aid in the regeneration of the epidermal layer sunlight can never provide enough of this vitamin. The purpose of the vitamin D3 in this product according the manufacturer is to complement the vitamins E and A in the stimulation of new dermal cell production. (Research has also shown that the reason people with dark skin tend to scar worse has to do with a lower vitamin D3 synthesis in their skin)

The product that was finally going to help me with fading my stretch marks is called Revitol stretch marks prevention cream. So I hoped. It also works on existing striae according to the manufacturer. (I hope so because my striae is there for almost a year now) Their website states that it will take longer to notice the full effects on older tissue. Since mine are there for a while I guess I have to be patient. I decided to start applying the cream religiously. The first thing I noticed after using the cream for a small week is that it really firms my skin. Nice, but that's not what I bought it for.

A few weeks later I started to get skeptical. Again another product that doesn't work. Throw it in the bin next to the Mederma bottle I thought. Just keep going for at least a week was my intention. Until my husband told me my stretch marks were fading. Although the result was minimal at first this gave me hope. And after another week or so I started to notice it myself too! At this moment I am still using the Revitol cream and am happy with it. My stretch marks are fading! And however they are not gone by far the improvement is substantial. I am glad I did not give up and kept optimistic about finding a product that actually works for my existing stretch marks. Imagine how it would work when used preventive. For more information visit the Revitol website.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fading Stretch Marks with Trofolastin (Gotu Kola Extract)

Throughout history the herb Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) has been valued for its medicinal properties. The small plant, indigenous to south east asia was used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese folk medicine. It was used for many purposes among which are wound and skin care.

The successful application of these plant extracts have lead to the question whether it would be able to fade stretch marks. Secondary research on Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) extract as an stretch marks fading agent has led to the following conclusion:

In one randomized controlled study 80 pregnant women were treated daily with a cream combining Centella asiatica extract, alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), and collagen + elastin. The women treated with this cream which brand name is Trofolastin, developed fewer stretch marks than the placebo group.

The same study showed that pregnant women who had previously developed stretch marks in pregnancy benefited more from treatment with the cream than did those with no previous stretch marks.

The downside is that Trofolastin is not available in the United States. It is in Spain. Developed and marketed by Novartis.

In Spain this cream is widely accepted and recommended by medical professionals such as doctors, nurses and dermatologists. At the moment this is the only stretch marks product on the market which is scientifically proven to cure and prevent stretch marks.

A possible alternative for Gotu Kola might be the stretch mark cream by Revitol. This cream is called Stretch Mark Prevention cream but can also be used on existing striae.

Similar to Trofolastin this cream also consists of natural ingredients. One of these ingredients is glycerine (which is a substance that occurs naturally in the human body). Glycerin is a so called humectant. Humectants are, next to emollients and occlusives, essential ingredients in skin care products. Glycerin, which is one of the best humectants known, draws water into the deeper layers of the skin. Other natural ingredients are squalene oil, and grapeseed extract.

Although there is no clinical evidence supporting the efficiency of Revitol it is a well reviewed, natural product which could be the best bet for those who can't lay their hands on Trofolastin. More information and reviews on the Revitol. website.

Source: Mallol, Belda, Costa, Noval, and Sola. (1991). "Prophylaxis of Striae gravidarum with a topical formulation. A double blind trial.”". International Journal of Cosmetic Science (13, 51-57).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tummy Tuck for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks located on the abdominal area can be removed with a mini tummy tuck. This surgical procedure, also referred to as partial tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is commonly performed to remove loose excess skin but is also an effective way to remove stretch marks. Only downside of this procedure are the scars. But there are ways to prevent them from getting ugly and to treat them so their appearance will be as little noticeable as possible.

The tummy tuck for stretch marks can be considered a last resort. Especially when there is also loose skin as a result of pregnancy or weight loss present. But also when other measures such as exercising avidly, following a strict diet, using hydrating creams, regenerating potions, firming ointments and other anti-stretch marks products all did not work. Then the tummy tuck for stretch marks is a relative invasive (compared to using a cream) measure. Big advantage however is that the outcome is not unclear. This procedure does make sure you get rid of your striae. Guaranteed.

Jessica Alba about her Stretch Marks

Self Magazine's February issue features an interview with Jessica Alba. In the interview she admits that she has learned to love her stretch marks. Her stretch marks have developed after the birth of her now 18 months old daughter Honor.

"Pregnancy was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had," Alba (28) says. "So I’ll take the stretch marks. I’ll take the sagging boobs. I’ll take the cellulite I can never get rid of." source: USMagazine.

Another star who is open about her stretch marks is British actress Sienna Miller. She states she has cellulite and stretch marks like any other woman.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Best Stretch Marks Lotions

There are plenty massage lotions for stretch marks on the market. They all claim to prevent stretch marks. Ingredients such as cocoa butter, vitamin E, collagen, soybean oil elastin, aloe vera, and shea butter or combinations should be the reason these products work.

But do they really work? Do they lubricate the skin in order to make it retain its natural elasticity and suppleness? The problem is that stretch marks are hard to reach because they are located inside the deeper layers of the skin.

When dermatologists or other experts are asked the range of efficient stretch marks products and treatments can be brought back to a handful. One of the options is a prescription cream with tretinoin. The brand name of this cream is Retin-A. The efficacy of this lotion is clinically proven but expectations should not be set too high. Stretch marks can be improved, mostly not removed.