Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stretch Marks on Breasts | Moisturize and Massage

As with all locations on the body stretch marks on the breasts can be an emotional burden to many women.

Causes of stretch marks on breasts are most commonly thought to be rapid growth of bust size. This usually happens during puberty, pregnancy, and weight gain. When the delicate bust tissue expands the skin contract which can result in the development of stretch marks.

Several renowned scientists however, say hormonal changes are the dominant cause.

Collagenase is an enzyme which also plays a role in the development of conventional scars. It is thought that when collagenase production or circulation is stressed by hormonal changes it can cause damage in the deeper layers of the skin (dermis) by disrupting collagen fibers. This might lead to a weakened secton of the skin which is more vulnerable for tension and stretching. Which will be the cause to stretch marks development.

This could also explain why some young girls develop striae during puberty without the presence of rapid weight gain.

Just like all scars (stretch marks are a type of scars) generally, stretch marks can not be removed completely. But with the use of a good product and some DIY home treatments they can be faded to a considerable extent. This is of course dependable on many things such as overall health, genetics, lifestyle, whether someone drinks alcohol and smokes, and so on.

Maintaining a healthy and well balanced diet and the daily intake of sufficient water benefits skin hydration. This will help prevent developing and support the fading process (to a certain degree) of stretch marks.

The more the elasticity and own recovering traits of the skin are promoted the better the final result will be. Hydrating creams don't have to be expensive. Studies have shown that for example petrolatum based creams e.g. Vaseline are just as good or maybe even better than a popular cream as Mederma. It is thought this is due to the hydrating properties of petrolatum creams.

Another DIY home remedy is massage. Regularly massaging the bust tissue and skin with the use of hydrating agents can also benefit the skin's elasticity and recovering abilities.


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